Has Wix.com destroyed its reputation as a result of greed and misrepresentation

Has Wix.com destroyed its reputation as a result of greed and misrepresentation?

March 7th, 2025

Wix.com often boasts that building a website is ever so easy, all you need to do is choose a template, input some text and suddenly you are done and it is working and all is good.

Not true.

First falsehood: setting up a website online and adding shopping cart for ecommerce is a relatively daunting task. It’s not easy to setup a shopping cart, add products, images, pricing, promotions, ‘about us’ page that works, ‘contact us form’ that sends a message and doesn’t break down every two seconds, and that is just a start. Most promotional things that convert your visitor to a customer required a fair degree of programming or adding modules. Wix.com is wrong in so many ways when making such claims with regards to simplicity. It sets a false expectation that anyone can design and develop a website. Even worse that making such falsehood claims, they also pretend that website setup, design, and getting everything operation is FREE and costs you nothing.

Wrong. In so many ways.

They suck people in, then they leave them disappointed.

Some stay and pay for a few months, then they get so unhappy with aimlessness, they just quit altogether.

To run your business online, you need to have a website that works with visitors. Designing for the web is not easy, and requires a fair degree of expertise. With Wix.com you have to solve various visual problems and adhere to specific branding strategy, and you have to rise to the challenge of making hundreds of pages, blogs and downloadable pieces of content cohesive and relevant to the user across a wide range of different devices (desktop computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc.).

It is absurd to expect small business owners or entrepreneurs to do this all on their own as they will end up with a highly mediocre website which cannot compete against professional-grade websites. In my opinion, Wix.com is a tragic misrepresentation that promotes the fallacy that businesses can rely on website builders like Wix.com for their website.

If you are the 1 in 20 people who are exceptional and you can navigate through a poorly designed and dumb website builder to build yourself half-way decent and professional website, your biggest nightmare waiting for you is your SEO.

Wix.com and other website builder tools offer you nothing significant for SEO and search engine registration, ranking, or positioning. Search engines do not read Wix.com hashtags in headings and hence … yes you guessed it, NO SEARCH ENGINE READING of your pages.

That’s right, no SEO, no SEO strategy, no SEO tools, no search engine traffic, no on-page SEO, and a waste of your time altogether.

How is a business supposed to be found on the Internet if the search engines do not register, rank, and position the website and its pages? Wix.com answer: Not my problem.

At least your website is yours, right? No. Here’s what Wix.com says:

“Wix does not claim any intellectual property rights over the User Submissions. However, under the Wix.com Terms of Use, you grant Wix worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such User Submissions.”

Let me tell you what I believe to be the nail in Wix.com coffin:

Websites built using Wix.com website builder are not MOBILE COMPATIBLE. Oh my god. What?

With nearly 70% of smartphone owners browsing the Internet, and some 85% of buyers using a mobile device for buying online, how can you expect to have an online website that cannot be used by 85% of online shoppers?

Even if you use their new quickly-added nightmare that they call “mobile-editor”, it doesn’t work efficiently, doesn’t work on every mobile platform, and is yet another poorly added nightmare to your no-doubt busy schedule have to learn more crap that you will never use.

How could anyone expect to offer such nightmare scenarios and tools to small businesses and expect to stay in business? You can fool all the people all the time.

Here’s my 5 point summary about Wix.com and hope this helps anyone who wants to use it for their business website:

1. Wix.com makes it easy to build a website. WRONG, no it does not. It’s difficult to design a professional website for a business that works and online users are happy with, and you can grow and market your products and services.

2. Wix.com is free. WRONG. Wix.com isn’t free, and in fact, it would cost you more than you think or expect.

3. Wix.com is easy to grow with. WRONG. It is next to impossible to migrate your data, and even then you will need a programmer to move everything for you if you have a real business website and ecommerce shopping system.

So, here’s my final conclusion: Wix.com is ideal with a personal website for fun, but a seriously worthless piece of junk for a real, professional business website.

In a recent online survey of nearly 2,000 small businesses, individuals, online entrepreneurs, and other home-based businesses and startups, Wix.com received a 1 star (and there is no ZERO star rating possible).

See below where you can find some of the comments published online, regarding Wix.com.

I am incredibly stressed

I am incredibly stressed. To the point of tears. I’ve literally just started my business and made the decision to operate Wix Payments along with Paypal. Nowhere on the Wix website does it state that their system isn’t compatible with particular banks. I’ve been unable to verify my details as the system says “we don’t recognize that …

WiX does not support HTTPS

We have a site, we can access it. However, the site is 100% unsecured and you cannot secure it, because WiX only secures domains they are given full control over. That is your first catch 22 situation. We paid for the Premium plan, for a year. It’s been a total waste of time and money. The total loss of working time just trying to solve this issue, has been a day and counting and support of course, never respond. Avoid WiX like the plague if you intend to run a respectable, professional business in a web location …

Do NOT get involved with these …

Do NOT get involved with these gluttonous, selfish ogres. If I could I would give this greedy trash “service” zero stars. I was trying to start a t-shirt company and I finally published the website by purchasing a domain (which I could not do until I purchased the premium website plan). Oh, and they made me pay extra money for security during the domain transaction. If I did not pay extra, they would have publicly published some of the private information I registered with. Afterward, I found out that I could not get paid through my website …

They double charged us

They double charged us, then proceeded to lock us out of the account when we disputed the charge. They canceled the email, and we still cannot access the domain name registered to us. Currently, the organization is crippled with no email, because they tried to rip us off, when we called them on it, they blocked everything. I do not recommend Wix …



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