Sales Funnels and Click Funnels

Sales Funnels and Click Funnels, do they work?

October 12th, 2024

Let’s start with the first confusion: there is a strategy called Click Funnels and then there is a company called Click Funnels that offers click funnel services. Now that you know that, you are among the 50% of people who are not confused by “Click Funnels”.

The service “click funnels” refers to guiding a buyer to come through your website, take steps (such as call to action, or clicking a link or a ‘buy button’), to search and select and finally purchase your product and/or service. That is a Click Funnel.

This process, if done smartly and intuitively by a seasoned marketer, can guide a buyer to engage with a promotion, accept a brand, make a subliminal purchasing decision, and then place an order and make a purchase.

How to build a Click Funnel or a Sales Funnel?

Step 1: Targeting your specific customers with as much features relating to their needs as possible. You will need to understand your customers and their online purchasing behavior, and really know what your audience needs to hear to go forward with the decision making process to finally purchase your product.

Step 2: You need to set up an effective method or tool to capture your audience’s attention. If you cannot do this, your funnel with not succeed. Writing effective headlines, offering a worthwhile discount or sales price, the right media usage to catch their eye, are all part of this process but not limited to just these strategies. The better you can capture your audience’s attention, the easier is to guide the buyer through to the end of purchasing process.

Step 3: Build a landing page that is effective and test it to make sure it really works on your audience.

Step 4: Test, test, test to make sure that your landing page and your messaging are working effectively, and complement each other.

Step 5: Create an Email Drip Campaign to keep going back to your audience and reminding them and entice them to make a purchase.

Step 6: Make new offers to your audience now that you have their email until they make a decision to purchase your product/services.

Why Sales Funnels, why bother with this process and the hassle of design and development?

1. Creating a more personalized sales funnel is a more effective way to sell

2. A methodical sales process allows you to constantly improve sales process to make it more and more effective, and hence increase marketing performance while reducing marketing expenses

3. You collect emails and build a better prospecting system

4. You can build a much stronger brand recognition and brand reputation

5. You can improve Return On Investment (ROI), and constantly adapt and adopt newer strategies

Disadvantages with Sales Funnels

1. It is a linear approach to making a product sale. It can never replace a dynamic website that offers a wide range of business dimensions from sales and support to product/service marketing and branding.

2. There is too much focus on sales conversion rather than building a relationship with your customers.

3. The guiding of the buyer from step to step would result in losing some customers that want to take different approaches to get to the end result. This inflexibility will ultimately lose some customers.

4. Any distraction during the sales funneling process (for instance getting a cup of coffee or going to pick up the kids from the school, or even a phone call) makes it much hard to guide the buyer through the sales process since there is no ability to build an ‘environment’ for the buyer, as a website can do where a shopper can go browse and shop and regain their focus on what they wanted to achieve.

5. Since sales funnels are built with marketing campaigns (such as direct mail or direct email, etc.), the purchasing journey is more linear. People are not all the same and hence, designing a system to guide them through a single process is not the most effective.

So, what is the answer to usefulness of Sales Funnels and Click Funnels?

It depends on what you are selling and what you branding strategy is. If you are selling a single product, a seasonal product, or a one-off product that is very popular and has a very unique differentiation – then YES, Sales Funnels would work fine. Otherwise, if you have a group of products or services that you are promoting, or your are working on your corporate or business branding strategy that demands a long-term strategy of customer interactions and periodic promotions, or that your business is better suited for a longer-term strategy of sales recurring and customer support backing such products, then you would most certainly need to use websites instead of a sales funnel landing page strategy.

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